Drum Machine is Jill Bernard's one-person sweepingly epic unscripted musical featuring multiple characters in scenes, monologues and songs accompanied by electronic drum beats or in collaboration with a musician. The show opens with a brief interview of an audience member, then Bernard creates a musical that weaves details of their life into a historical period suggested by the audience. (Watch examples from Phoenix, Minneapolis, another from Minneapolis or see a 3 minute egg feature. Read a nice piece by Ira Booker about it here. )
⇢ click for my head shot or other photos
⇢ like my Facebook fan page (the best place to find my schedule)
⇢ hire me to teach workshops in your town, here's some descriptions
⇢ Venmo me: venmo.com/u/Jill-Bernard-improv
⇢ order jill bernard's small cute book of improv (also available in French or Italian or Romanian) or Jill & Patrick's Small Book of Improv for Business
⇢ buy one of my EVEN SMALLER books of improv.
⇢ check out Comedysportz-Twin Cities
⇢ check out all the improv in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St Paul, Minnesota at TwinCitiesImprov.com
Jill Bernard
Jill Bernard
jillbernard AT gmail.com